Towards an aseptic society. Livelihoods and pandemic politicities

Keywords: Pandemic; Bodies; Habitat; Power; Life policies


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 was inscribed in our bodies and in our senses. The pandemic represented the reconfiguration of our times, rhythms, processes of subjectivation, socialization, and productivity, even the ways of conceiving the world as the cycles of life and the rituals of death. Although this event is due to biological and epidemiological factors, it has also been established as an operator that has produced discourses, practices, imaginations, and desires, where power flows and organizes new rearrangements in the condition of entropy, social terror, and the pandemic risk. The objective of this article was to analyze the new material and immaterial conditions that were reconfigured in civil society during the pandemic period as coping and resistance mechanisms aimed at safeguarding life in the health emergency condition. The first one delves into the ways in which we reconstitute ourselves as subjects, the relationship and organization of bodies with the habitat, and the emergence of new commercial relationships. In the immaterial dimension, discursive aspects such as discriminatory practices, the generation of new affects and the production of subjectivities are analyzed, such gestures and politicities are oriented to the continuity of the sustainability of life, however, they reveal contradictions, deficiencies, discriminatory processes and distinct types of violence that make up a new aseptic society.


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Author Biography

Mariana Betzabeth Pelayo Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit - México

Doctora en ciencias de la Sostenibilidad por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y actualmente docente- investigadora de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit.


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How to Cite
Pelayo Pérez, M. B. (2021). Towards an aseptic society. Livelihoods and pandemic politicities. Religación, 6(30), e210860.