
O cadastro no sistema e posterior acesso, por meio de login e senha, são obrigatórios para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para acompanhar o processo editorial em curso. Acesso em uma conta existente ou Registrar uma nova conta.

Condições para submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • El archivo de envío está en formato Microsoft Word.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página a Revista.
  • Nombres de los autores (Apellido, Nombre); actividad actual, departamento, universidad, país, email (de cada uno de los autores). Es obligatorio el número de ORCID de cada autor.

Diretrizes para Autores


-The submission of a manuscript by the author and its acceptance by the Editor on behalf of the Editorial Board represents an authorization for the publication of his article in the Religación.

-The approval, request for corrections or improvements or rejection are the sole responsibility of the Editorial Committee and the Editor as the principal of this attribution.

-All articles will comply with the Creative Commons standards to which the journal is subscribed under the following terms:

Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

NoDerivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

Licencia de Creative Commons

All articles must comply with the ethical guidelines for publications found at:



(Dossier Section, General Section, South-South Section)

The character of the article presented must be original, unpublished, all articles will be reviewed using CrossRef's Similarity Check software, in order to avoid academic plagiarism.

Type of articles published:

Research: it is a document that discloses the original results of completed research projects in detail. It should have the following structure: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Literature review: it is the product of the critical analysis of scientific literature, which summarizes the results of a research in order to facilitate the understanding of a phenomenon of study and provide information about the scientific evidence related to the subject.



Given the journal’s use of the double-blind review process, authors must prepare their manuscript anonymously. Aside from the title page (see below) please remove all identifying references: this includes both direct references to yourself and indirect references to colleagues, co-authors, and collaborators that would make it easy for a reader to deduce your identity.

If the argument of the manuscript depends upon the citation of your own previous work, then please voice those citations in the third person and include the works in the reference list as you would for any other author.

Please make certain to repeat the title of your essay on the first page of the text (after the title page) so that reviewers reading the anonymous version of the text will know its title.



A. Title: it should be brief and reflect the content of the article; it should not include abbreviations or formulas. They should not exceed 15 words, and must be written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

B. Author information: all authors should list the following information:

- Full name: (Last Name, First Name)

- ORCID of researcher: Example:

- Current activity, Department, University:

- Country, City:

- Institutional email (Exceptionally personal email)

The maximum number of authors allowed is 4.

C. Additional information (On the first page).

Name of corresponding author

Acknowledgments, when appropriate, should go after the conclusions

Funding: when the article is the result of a funded project, it should be acknowledged, in this case, through an asterisk in the title, followed by the name of the project and the sponsoring entities in a footnote

Statement of originality: attach the statement in PDF format, duly completed and signed by all authors.

Conflict of interest: the authors declare conflict of interest in a paragraph at the end of the manuscript.

D. Abstract (Written in English and Spanish): The summary/abstract should not be more than 350 words and should be written in the third person, past tense, except for the last paragraph or conclusive sentence. It should not provide information or conclusion that is not present in the text, nor should it cite bibliographical references. You must make clear the problem under investigation, the main objectives, and scope of the investigation, describe the methodology used, summarize the results, and generalize with the main conclusions.

E. Keywords (Written in English and Spanish): maximum five terms (not phrases) of the subject of the article.



We strongly encourage authors to keep original submissions to fewer than 8,500 words (a total that includes all notes and references). This target is in keeping with our overall publishing goals, and it offers successful authors the freedom to increase the word count during the revisions process. We will allow original submissions of up to an absolute maximum of 9,000 words (all inclusive). Write to one space, in A4 page size. The font style to be used will be Times New Roman of 12 points.



All submissions must follow the APA style in the body of the text and followed by a complete list of papers cited at the end. For any necessary clarification of the APA style, check out one of the many online guides on APA style, or check out the magazine's previous issues. Make sure that the list of cited papers includes all cited references and has full bibliographic details; Don't just import quotes from an external program without editing and correcting the list of cited jobs.

Two aspects must be taken into account when presenting an idea with its respective credit: if it is quoted verbatim (direct quote) or paraphrased (indirect), and what is the focus that will be given to it, if on the author (quote narrative) or about the idea itself (parenthetical quote).

Direct quote

Direct citations can be short (up to 40 words) or block (more than 40 words):

Short quote


Anger is considered a simple human reaction, and the sin of anger depends on the degree to which it manifests itself: "When the instinctual passionate movement of anger is awakened, it blinds us, studies us, and turns us into a kind of stubborn beast. This excess is detrimental, but I believe that a point of anger is necessary” (Savater, 2005, p. 81).


For Savater, as for many, anger is a simple human reaction, and the sin of anger depends on the degree to which it manifests itself: “When the instinctual passionate movement of anger awakens, blinds us, studies us and makes us a kind of stubborn beast. This excess is detrimental, but I believe that a point of anger is necessary” (2005, p. 81).

Block Quotations


In short, the settlement of whites, mestizos and some slaves was due to the policies of aggregation and segregation of land for the exploitation of livestock and crops:

Legally, the assault on the lands of the Indians was justified. Between the years 1750 and 1800, when the indigenous communities of eastern Colombia were the object of a policy of aggregation-segregation of land, the number of sales of some 68 reservations was approximately 110,308 pesos. In 1778, Moreno and Escandón reported from San Gil that the sale of only 18 towns had represented an income to the treasury of 45,560 pesos (Tovar, 1986, p. 23).


The settlement of whites, mestizos and some slaves is directly related to the policies of aggregation and segregation of land, which Tovar warns, for the exploitation of livestock and crops:

Legally, the assault on the lands of the Indians was justified. Between the years 1750 and 1800, when the indigenous communities of eastern Colombia were subject to a policy of aggregation-segregation of land, the number of sales of some 68 resguardos was approximately 110,308 pesos. In 1778, Moreno and Escandón reported from San Gil that the sale of only 18 towns had represented an income to the treasury of 45,560 pesos (1986, p. 23).


Indirect Quotation

Finally, rurality can refer to rural development, in which strategies of attention to marginalized, vulnerable, disarticulated populations, etc., are contemplated (Dirven et al., 2011).

Finally, Dirven et al. (2011) define rurality based on rural development, which includes strategies for caring for marginalized, vulnerable, disarticulated populations, etc.



Explanatory notes should be kept to an absolute minimum. Final versions of articles must use footnotes.



The primary style goals are clarity and consistency. Authors may use either UK or US spelling, but they must do so consistently. For punctuation, please follow the standards for US English. This entails:

  - using  double quotation marks, for quotes

  - placing all inverted commas within other punctuation

  - for the grammatical dash, using an en dash  without spaces before and after the en dash

The article must be well structured: introduction, methodology used, development, results and a solid conclusion.

Separation of sections should be done using ordinal numbers








Authors should strive for clarity and concision and should assume a broad, interdisciplinary audience of non-specialists. Therefore, manuscripts should explain complex concepts, local reallity, clarify and introduce special terminology, and avoid gesturing allusively to broad and dense literatures that are not explicated fully in the text.

Finally, to ease the job of the reviewers, manuscripts should be single-spaced, with clear delineation of new paragraphs (please use either a double paragraph break or a single paragraph break followed by an indented first line, but do not use both), and with pages numbered consecutively.




The article must be written using APA citations.

Full references will be included at the end of the article according to the American Psychological Association (APA) and in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.




One author:

Archer, M. (1996). Culture and Agency. The Place of Culture in Social Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Two authors:

Anderson, Ch., & Johnson, L. (2003). The impressive psychology paper. Chicago: Lucerne Publishing.

Chapter of the book:

Kaufman, M. (1994). Men, Feminism, and Men's Contradictory Experiences of Power. In, Harry Brod & Michael Kaufman (editors). Theorizing Masculinities (pp. 35-42). Thousand Oaks, United States: Sage Publications.



One author:

Author’s last name, Author’s initial name. (Year, Month Date published). Title. Online Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages. Retrieved from

Martínez-Bautista, J. V. (2020). Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx: On overcoming material scarcity as an economic condition for the full realization of the communist project of the emancipation of humanity. Religación. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades5(23), 40-50. Retrieved from


Two authors:

Scribano, A., & Lisdero, P. (2018). Visual experience and Social Research: towards a critique of the political economy of the digital gaze. Religación. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades3(9), 165-181. Retrieved from



For two authors in an APA citation of journal, first give the information for the first author followed by a comma, then use an ampersand (&) and list the information for the second author. For three to seven authors, separate the author names with commas and again use an ampersand before the final author name. In APA citation of journal articles never list more than seven authors. If there are more than seven authors, list the first six names separated by commas. Then, after the sixth author and a comma, instead of an ampersand use an ellipsis (…) followed by the final author name.



For a corporate author in APA citation of journal, use the publishing company in place of the author name in the citation. Place the name of the publishing company at the beginning of the citation just as you would the author’s name with proper capitalization.


If no author is given, to create the APA citation of journal use the title of the article in place of the author information. Then provide the publication date and publication name without repeating the article title.



The copy in electronic support must be presented as a single document in Microsoft Word format  (NOT PDF) and must be sent through the OJS system of the website AND by mail

All the articles in this journal may be published in other journals under the author's permission and should be cited as "Published for the first time in Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades"

The published articles, as well as their content, are the responsibility of each author. Revista Religación is not responsible for any type of partial or total plagiarism.

The Editorial Board reserves to itself the ultimate right to decide on the publication of the articles, as well as the number and section in which it will appear. The journal reserves the right to make minor style corrections.


Authors who submit works to this journal accept the following conditions:

- The authors keep the copyrights and give the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered under the attribution of Creative Commons work license, which allows third parties commercial or non-commercial redistribution of what is published as long as the work circulates intact and unchanged.

- Authors who have submitted their works should not have sent them simultaneously to other scientific journals.

- Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the distribution of the article which is published in Religación (eg, to include it in an institutional repository or to publish it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was published by first time in Revista Religación. In the case of reproduction, a note similar to the following should be included: This text was originally published in Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. N ° -, section -----, number of pages, year of publication.



Important: The journal does not charge any value for sending articles, however, in some cases, it requests a donation from the authors once the article has been published, since it is a way to support the editorial processes, the management of the web portal, as well as to maintain free reading and access to all articles in Revista Religación. We have opened a PayPal account so that authors and contributors can donate an amount per article to be published. However, this is a voluntary matter, at no time the publication is conditioned to the collection of the mentioned fee.


A seção Dossiê tem editores convidados, que são profissionais com longas carreiras e reconhecidos pela academia. Eles são responsáveis por propor e convocar temas de importância e relevância para a discussão e construção do pensamento latino-americano. Cada número tem um prazo para apresentação e estão incluídos na Seção de Dossiês.

Os trabalhos podem ser escritos em espanhol, português ou inglês.


Seção geral

Esta seção acolhe artigos de todas as áreas das Ciências Sociais e Humanas.

Photo essay



The work must be unpublished and framed in the areas and policies of the magazine:


• Title in Spanish and English

• Photographs: Preferably in 300 dpi resolution, between 8 and 10 photographs, each with a title or name.

• A text must be written in freestyle, in which the author presents and argues his / her position about the essay in a maximum of 400 words.

• A semblance of the author of maximum 5 lines must be sent.



RELIGACIÓN receberá resenhas de livros e eventos de interesse para a revista. Esta seção consiste em um espaço para textos inéditos que abordam novas publicações, descrevendo-as, analisando-as e atribuindo-lhes valor no campo da disciplina.


As resenhas de livros não terão mais de 750 palavras, e as resenhas de eventos não terão mais de 500 palavras.


Os requisitos para a apresentação de revisões serão:


- Título do livro ou nome do evento em letras maiúsculas.

- Nome do Autor ou da entidade patrocinadora do evento

- Local e data de publicação ou do evento

- Nome da pessoa que escreveu a resenha

- A imagem da capa do livro ou cartaz publicitário do evento deve ser anexada em formato JPG (boa qualidade).

- O arquivo deve ser escrito no formato Microsoft Word, em fonte Times New Roman, tamanho 12, espaçamento simples.



Esta seção procura atrair o olhar das ciências sociais e humanas de outras partes do mundo, dando prioridade à pesquisa da Ásia, África e Europa.


O caráter do artigo apresentado deve ser original, inédito e deve estar de acordo com as seguintes características:

>>Na primeira página dos trabalhos enviados para publicação deve aparecer:

- Título do trabalho (que será apresentado no idioma original e em inglês, se o idioma original for inglês ou português, então o título também deve aparecer em espanhol).

- Nome completo do autor/autor/a e, no final da página, seus títulos acadêmicos, cargo e instituição a que pertencem e seu endereço de e-mail.

- Se apresentar um artigo pela primeira vez, deve ser acrescentado um esboço biográfico do autor de, no máximo, cinco linhas).

>> Deve ser incluído um resumo dos pontos principais no idioma original e seu equivalente em inglês (resumo), cada um entre 120 e 150 palavras, mais quatro a seis palavras-chave em ambos os idiomas.

>> Os artigos devem ter um comprimento mínimo de 3500 e um comprimento máximo de 6500 palavras (excluindo bibliografia), espaçamento simples, tamanho de página A4". O estilo da fonte a ser usada deve ser Times New Roman 12 ponto.

>> Referências completas devem ser incluídas no final do artigo de acordo com a Associação Americana de Psicologia (APA)".



(Habermas, 2008: 150)


Referências Bibliográficas: Devem aparecer no final do documento e em ordem alfabética.



Habermas, Jürgen (2008) Entre a razón y religión: Dialéctica de la secularización. México. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Anderson, Charles & Johnson (2003). O impressionante trabalho de psicologia. Chicago. Editora Lucerne.


González Socha, Daniela; Cruz Galvis, Carolina (2016). A construção da paz na agenda da política externa da Colômbia e da União Européia. Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 1, março, 27-38.

A cópia eletrônica deve ser enviada como um documento único no formato Microsoft Word e deve ser enviada para o seguinte endereço de e-mail:

Política de Privacidade

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.