Peculiarities of the urban governance formation in Moscow in the first years of soviet power and its historical significance

  • Vladimir Vilenovich Bruz Moscow State Regional University - Russia
  • S. F. Vititnev Moscow State Regional University - Russia
  • A. V. Solodilov Moscow State Regional University - Russia


The purpose of this article is to study the historical experience of the formation of municipal government bodies in the first years of Soviet power; to consider the order of formation and structure of municipal government bodies on the example of the Moscow City Council, as well as the features of its functioning in a severe crisis; to identify its strengths and weaknesses. The main methods in the study of this problem were dialectical method, method of analysis, synthesis, comparative-historical, statistical, problem-chronological, methods of actualization, concrete and logical analysis and some others.


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Biografia do Autor

Vladimir Vilenovich Bruz, Moscow State Regional University - Russia

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Moscow State Regional University

S. F. Vititnev, Moscow State Regional University - Russia

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Professor, Moscow State Regional University

A. V. Solodilov, Moscow State Regional University - Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Regional University


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Como Citar
Bruz, V. V., Vititnev, S. F., & Solodilov, A. V. (2019). Peculiarities of the urban governance formation in Moscow in the first years of soviet power and its historical significance. Religación, 4(13), 145-152. Recuperado de