Passive defense: Measuring and evaluating urban vulnerability with resilience approach

  • Mohammad Rezaie Narimisa Ministry of Petroleum - Iran
  • Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri National University of Malaysia - Malaysia
  • Malek Elahi City of Malabaon University - Philippines
  • Mohammad Hasannezhad Shahid Beheshti University - Iran
  • Elham Alipanahi Ruzbahan University - Iran


The purpose of the present research is to measure the level of urban safety based on the principles of passive defense, urban leveling based on the degree of vulnerability, the urban infrastructure dispersal pattern and important decision-making organizations in the city. The study is based on the urban environment, which has been used to measure the vulnerability of the city during the onset of war by using spatial indices influencing safety.


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Biografia do Autor

Mohammad Rezaie Narimisa, Ministry of Petroleum - Iran

Ministry of Petroleum, National Iranian Oil Refining & Distribution Company, Oil Refining Industries Development Company, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author)

Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, National University of Malaysia - Malaysia

Professor of National University of Malaysia (UKM), Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Malaysia

Malek Elahi, City of Malabaon University - Philippines

City of Malabaon University, School of Graduate Studies, Metro Manila, Philippines

Mohammad Hasannezhad, Shahid Beheshti University - Iran

Assistant professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Financial Management and Accounting Department, Tehran, Iran

Elham Alipanahi, Ruzbahan University - Iran

Department of Architecture, Ruzbahan University, Sari, Iran


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Como Citar
Rezaie Narimisa, M., Ahmad Basri, N. E., Elahi, M., Hasannezhad, M., & Alipanahi, E. (2019). Passive defense: Measuring and evaluating urban vulnerability with resilience approach. Religación, 4(13), 153-162. Recuperado de