Economic crisis and banking crisis

  • Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri National University of Malaysia - Malaysia
  • Mohammad Hasannezhad Shahid Beheshti University - Iran
  • Malek Elahi City of Malabaon University - Philippines


This research first presents a typology of various financial crises - the currency crisis, the debt crisis, the balance of payments crisis, and the banking crisis - and sets out criteria for measuring them. It then provides a specific definition of the banking crisis, and it examines the plurality and frequency of occurrence of bank crises at different times and in different countries. In the following, the coincidence and sequence of the banking crisis with other forms of financial crisis have been analyzed statistically. Then, the consequences of the banking crisis are estimated and estimates of the cost of the banking crisis in the countries that have suffered.


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Biografia do Autor

Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, National University of Malaysia - Malaysia

Professor of National University of Malaysia (UKM), Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Malaysia

Mohammad Hasannezhad, Shahid Beheshti University - Iran

Assistant professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Financial Management and Accounting Department, Tehran, Iran

Malek Elahi, City of Malabaon University - Philippines

City of Malabaon University, School of Graduate Studies, Metro Manila, Philippines


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Como Citar
Ahmad Basri, N. E., Hasannezhad, M., & Elahi, M. (2019). Economic crisis and banking crisis. Religación, 4(13), 338-345. Recuperado de