Study of the features of family education in the process of social adaptation of a child

  • Alla L. Busygina Samara State Social and Pedagogical University - Russia
  • Irina V. Rudenko Togliatti State University - Russia
  • Irina V. Arkhipova Samara State Social and Pedagogical University - Russia
  • Tamara A. Firsova Samara State Social and Pedagogical University - Russia
  • Dilyara A. Murtazina Kazan National Research Technological University - Russia
  • Rustem A. Shichiyakh Kuban State Agrarian University - Russia


The article reveals the features of family education as the most important factor in the child’s social adaptation. The results of an empirical study of the influence of the characteristics of the parental attitude on individual indicators of the child’s social adaptation are presented. Revealed the relationship between types of family education and the main components of social adaptation. The most influenced by the family are the parameters that reflect the child’s interaction with other people, his emotional response to social situations, and the child’s performance of the program of actions proposed by adults. It is noticed that the parental relationship can both facilitate and exacerbate the basic, psycho-physiological level of development of the child. Thus, certain neuropsychological features of children with cognitive and emotional-volitional (and behavioral) difficulties are identified.


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Como Citar
Busygina, A. L., Rudenko, I. V., Arkhipova, I. V., Firsova, T. A., Murtazina, D. A., & Shichiyakh, R. A. (2019). Study of the features of family education in the process of social adaptation of a child. Religación, 4(13), 346-352. Recuperado de