Study of future teachers’ emotional issues

  • Tatiana A. Busygina Samara State Social and Pedagogical University - Russia
  • Irina V. Rudenko Togliatti State University - Russia
  • Dilyara A. Murtazina Kazan National Research Technological University - Russia
  • Rustem A. Shichiyakh Kuban State Agrarian University - Russia


This article addresses the adverse factors that affect teachers’ emotional states. Literature review has shown that recent years have seen a shift in the study focus towards emotional intelligence, emotional competence, its components and development methods. Modern psychologists’ lack of interest in the study of teachers’ emotional issues has encouraged us to conduct an empirical study of emotional stability, trait and state anxiety as well as frustrators of teachers’ basic needs. We have developed our own questionnaire to study the latter indicators. The study covering a selection of young teachers under 30 years of both sexes has allowed us to conclude that the major part of respondents feature emotional instability and are exposed to trait and state anxiety. We have also identified teachers’ frustrators specific of educational work that hamper the maintenance of professional effect and performance.


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Como Citar
Busygina, T. A., Rudenko, I. V., Murtazina, D. A., & Shichiyakh, R. A. (2019). Study of future teachers’ emotional issues. Religación, 4(13), 353-365. Recuperado de