Teacher Efficacy and Commitment in Teaching Arabic: A Correlational Study

  • Mohamad Azrien Mohamed Adnan University of Malaysia - MALAYSIA
  • Arifin Mamat International Islamic University Malaysia - MALAYSIA
  • Mohd Burhan Ibrahim International Islamic University Malaysia - MALAYSIA
  • Ismaiel Hassanein Ahmed Mohamed International Islamic University Malaysia - MALAYSIA


The current study explores the validity and reliability of the instrument used in assessing teachers’ efficacy in teaching Arabic and also their commitment to teaching. The study also examined Arabic teaching efficacy in relation to teacher commitment. The study involved 252 teachers out of 487 teachers from 57 National Religious Secondary Schools throughout Malaysia. A structural equation modeling with AMOS was employed to investigate the effects of the hypotheses model. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the adequacy of the constructs of teacher efficacy and teacher commitment and found that the two constructs were multidimensional constructs with four underlying dimensions respectively. The findings also showed that teacher efficacy influences teacher commitment. Several essential theoretical implications for developing and enhancing teachers in the Malaysian Secondary Arabic education context have arisen from the current study.


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Como Citar
Mohamed Adnan, M. A., Mamat, A., Ibrahim, M. B., & Ahmed Mohamed, I. H. (2019). Teacher Efficacy and Commitment in Teaching Arabic: A Correlational Study. Religación, 4(14), 57-66. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/236
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