Methodological approaches to understanding national security

  • Arzygul Mamayunusovna Dzhorobekova E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kyrgyz Republic
  • Kairat Cholponkulovich Berdaliev E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kyrgyz Republic
  • Ailen Dokturbekovna Adambekova E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kyrgyz Republic
  • Zamir Mamayunusovich Dzhorobekov E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kyrgyz Republic


With the transition to the digital age, the scientific literature increasingly includes such categories as cybersecurity and national security. The article reveals the genesis of the development of the concept of “national security” in the context of the stated research. The report analyses the legislative definition of national security. The methods, approaches and techniques of cognition of social and legal phenomena, namely, the category “national security”, are updated.


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Biografia do Autor

Arzygul Mamayunusovna Dzhorobekova, E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kyrgyz Republic

Corresponding author. E. Aliyev Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)


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Como Citar
Dzhorobekova, A. M., Berdaliev, K. C., Adambekova, A. D., & Dzhorobekov, Z. M. (2019). Methodological approaches to understanding national security. Religación, 4(14), 67-70. Recuperado de
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