A study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of selected organizations in and around Pune city, state of Maharashtra, India

  • Mohammad Amiri Panjab University - INDIA


From the last many years, Indian business organizations are implementing various corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities for the well-being of society. Nowadays, in the business sector, the concept of corporate social responsibility has achieved prominence from all avenues. Several Indian organizations are realized the importance of CSR activities with a view to promoting their brands. This study aims at to understand the perceptions of officials regarding CSR concept, the measure failed where they have initiated their CSR practices, their CSR approaches and major challenges faced by organizations in the implementation of CSR activities. Through the study, it is found that officials have different perceptions about CSR concept and adopted different approaches of CSR there are several challenges facing by the organizations in India. The study also focused on the advantages of CSR and the major aim of the organization for implementing CSR activities. 


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Biografia do Autor

Mohammad Amiri, Panjab University - INDIA

Ph.D. Research Scholar, University Institute of Emerging Areas in Social Science (UIEASS), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India


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Como Citar
Amiri, M. (2019). A study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of selected organizations in and around Pune city, state of Maharashtra, India. Religación, 4(14), 92-99. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/240
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