Modern technologies of professional teaching in the system of life-long learning

  • M. G. Sergeeva Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia - Russia
  • T. G. Stanchuliak Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia
  • Ya. V. Borovikova Institute of Social Education - Russia
  • G. P. Zhirkova Centre of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge - Russia
  • M. B. Budiltseva Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia
  • S. V. Mamaeva Siberian Federal University - Russia
  • L. S. Shmulskaya Siberian Federal University - Russia


The professional education system is experiencing an active search for ways and methods to improve the quality of education, which increases the role of imitative teaching methods aimed at developing individual creative skills, forming specialized professional and personal qualities, their ability of adjustment and adaptability to the new economic conditions. Teaching methods as forms of interaction between teacher and students are intended to acquire skills, as well as to educate and develop a personality. The teacher’s task consists of the rational use of such teaching methods that ensure the best achievement of the objective, which is the training of qualified specialists. The diversity of these methods should increase students’ interest in learning and cognitive activity. This study concludes on the benefits of a professional school where, priority should be given to active teaching methods aimed at increasing students’ cognitive activity, developing their personal initiative and potential, forming their creative approach and allowing them to solve important learning tasks. and organization.


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Biografia do Autor

M. G. Sergeeva, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia - Russia

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher

T. G. Stanchuliak, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia

Candidate of philological sciences (PhD in Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice

Ya. V. Borovikova, Institute of Social Education - Russia

Candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD in Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Social Work, Sociology and Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines


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Como Citar
Sergeeva, M. G., Stanchuliak, T. G., Borovikova, Y. V., Zhirkova, G. P., Budiltseva, M. B., Mamaeva, S. V., & Shmulskaya, L. S. (2019). Modern technologies of professional teaching in the system of life-long learning. Religación, 4(14), 107-115. Recuperado de
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