Legal problems of the claim on cancellation of adoption in Uzbekistan

  • Gulzhazira Atalykovа South Kazakhstan State University - Kazakhstan


The article analyzed the legal problems of consideration of the claim on the abolition of adoption, relevant conclusions were made to improve the civil procedure legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The law strictly protects the rights of adoptive parents concerning adopted children. This protection is of great importance, as it ensures compliance for the interests of the adoptive parents and the adopted kids, contributing to the strengthening of the relations between them. The adoption may not stop arbitrarily at the request of the adopter or the adopted. The legal relationship between the adopter and the adopted person is terminated by repealing the adoption act by the relevant state body (court). The question of the abolition of adoption only in court was specified in article 169 of the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This provision on the procedure for cancellation by the court of adoption subsequently found legislative consolidation in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan (art. 304). Following Art.304 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adoption is canceled in a court of law. Based on the fact that this article does not say about the cancellation of a previous decision, we are talking about a different category of cases with your subject and specific grounds for excitement.


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Biografia do Autor

Gulzhazira Atalykovа, South Kazakhstan State University - Kazakhstan

Senior teacher of South Kazakhstan State University behalf of M. Auezov, applicant Tashkent State law university


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Como Citar
AtalykovаG. (2019). Legal problems of the claim on cancellation of adoption in Uzbekistan. Religación, 4(14), 209-214. Recuperado de