Problems of transplantation of human organs and tissues: international standards and international experience

  • Nozimakhon Gafurova Tashkent State University of Law - Uzbekistan
  • Khasan Ochilov Tashkent State University of Law - Uzbekistan
  • Bobur Sobirov Tashkent State University of Law - Uzbekistan


This paper is dedicated to the issues of implementation to the national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan the norms of international legal standards that regulating transplantation of organs and tissues based on the study of positive international experience. At the same time, special attention is paid to the prevention of crime commercialization of human organs and tissues.


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Biografia do Autor

Nozimakhon Gafurova, Tashkent State University of Law - Uzbekistan

Corresponding authors. Head of department “Intellectual property” of Tashkent State University of Law (PhD)


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Como Citar
Gafurova, N., Ochilov, K., & Sobirov, B. (2019). Problems of transplantation of human organs and tissues: international standards and international experience. Religación, 4(14), 256-261. Recuperado de