Depreciation in the aspect of modeling strategy of investment and analysis of reproduction processes of fixed capital of railway transport

  • Gulamov Abdulaziz Abdullayevich Tashkent Institute of Railways Engineers - Uzbekistan


Joint-stock company “Uzbek Railways” is the largest transport company in Uzbekistan and in some segments of the transport market works in conditions of tough competition. With the development of market relations and economic growth, as well as competitive pressure from other participants in the transport market, reliable conditions, efficient use and intensive reproduction of fixed assets are becoming increasingly important. In this article, a retrospective analysis of the reproduction of the fixed capital of a railway company is carried out and suggestions are given for the intensification of this process.


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Como Citar
Abdullayevich, G. A. (2019). Depreciation in the aspect of modeling strategy of investment and analysis of reproduction processes of fixed capital of railway transport. Religación, 4(14), 319-330. Recuperado de