Effects of cognitive restructuring and study skills training on anxiety and academic achievement

  • Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah Universiti Pendidican Sultan Idris - MALAYSIA
  • Saeid Motevalli Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch - MALAYSIA
  • Maryam Gholampour Garmjani Universiti Putra Malaysia - MALAYSIA


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cognitive restructuring and study skill training on test anxiety and academic achievement. In this study, 94 high school students were randomly selected to receive either a Cognitive Restructuring Training (CRT) or Study Skill Training (SST) psychoeducational group therapy. Analyses indicated that cognitive restructuring and study skills training negatively effects on state and trait anxiety symptoms, and positively effects on students’ academic achievement. However, the present study found evidence of the effects of state anxiety follow-up as a mediator on academic achievement. Despite these and other limitations, we conclude that cognitive restructuring and study skills training are effective treatments for test anxiety and academic achievement.


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Como Citar
Ghani Hamzah, M. S., Motevalli, S., & Garmjani, M. G. (2019). Effects of cognitive restructuring and study skills training on anxiety and academic achievement. Religación, 4(14), 353-362. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/268