The global higher education market (GHEM), perfectly competitive educational market and entropy concepts

  • Ecaterina Daniela Zeca University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati - ROMANIA


The notion of entropy should be used for the study of some characteristics of Global Higher Education Market (GHEM). In this approach, explaining market imbalance, is going to be applied the fundamental principles of thermodynamics dealing with entropy, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy is a degree of disorder, and for this reason, being yet unschooled is to consider whether such a notion is applicable to analyze the character of order for GHEM structures. From this point of view, it should be wise to analyze the market of perfect competition, in as much as in the modern global educational market. This kind of market serves as the corner point in the comparative analysis of educational market architecture. The article concerns questions about HE stability, complexity and the occurrence of a sustainable system and, thus, gives an example of the applicability of the synergetic paradigm for Global Higher Education Market(GHEM).


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Como Citar
Zeca, E. D. (2019). The global higher education market (GHEM), perfectly competitive educational market and entropy concepts. Religación, 4(15), 129-134. Recuperado de
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