On the research methodology of investment environment’s attractiveness provision

  • Rajabov Nazirjon Razzakovich Tashkent State University of Economics - Uzbekistan


The article highlights the need for a new approach to the research of investment attractiveness and effective management directions, its causes, and factors, and enhances the attractiveness of the investment climate as one of the important vectors of modernization of state investment policy and regional development policy. The theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the issues of ensuring the attractiveness and effective management of the investment climate in Uzbekistan are insufficiently studied as a special, independent research object. The challenge of the study is to improve the methodological and scientific bases of effective management and management of the investment climate and to develop mechanisms and measures to effectively use the potential of the investment climate. The investment climate research methodology primarily requires an explanation of the methodological apparatus of the study, a comprehensive review of the research, a description of the determinants of managing the attractiveness of the investment climate, and the directions for managing the investment climate attractiveness.


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Como Citar
Razzakovich, R. N. (2019). On the research methodology of investment environment’s attractiveness provision . Religación, 4(15), 210-218. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/296