Representation of the linguistic world picture through a human factor

  • Madzhidova Rano Urishevna Uzbekistan State University of World Languages - Uzbekistan


The article deals with the analysis of the role of the human factors in the representation of the linguistic world picture. In particular, it places a special emphasis on the way a human being perceives or interprets the world and through which a knowledge of the world is reflected and considers language a tool which helps to represent the world in connection with a human factor. Language is the most important argument in human life. We receive language at birth as a given; in the social environment and society, a person forms his worldview only through language. Linguistic picture of the world, it directly has a special role in reflecting the national mentality. And in every language picture of the world, there are categories of culture, to which value concepts can be attributed. A linguistic world picture is represented by the way he perceives, interprets, understands, expresses his or her natural language. Therefore, it is claimed that the language picture of the world should be studied in close connection with a human factor.


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Como Citar
Urishevna, M. R. (2019). Representation of the linguistic world picture through a human factor. Religación, 4(15), 234-240. Recuperado de