Career opportunities preferences among BSBA HRDM students

  • Loureville Gilda M. Urquia Surigao del Sur State University - PHILIPPINES
  • Vivian C. Gruyal Surigao del Sur State University - PHILIPPINES
  • Vermia L. Miranda Surigao del Sur State University - PHILIPPINES
  • Angelique H. Cubio Surigao del Sur State University - PHILIPPINES


This study aimed to assess the Career Opportunities Preferences among BSBA HRDM students after Graduation. A total of one hundred thirty-seven. Second year students compose of sixty one. First year students, thirty-eight. Third year students who are taking up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in human Resource Development Management participated in the study. They were asked about their preferences in terms of Nature of Work, types of Business Organization, Environments, Compensation, Other Benefits, Safety and Health, and Career Development. Descriptive Survey Method was used through pretested questionnaires made by the researchers. Descriptive statistics particularly the frequency and weighted mean were used. The data was presented in a tabular form. The interview approach was used to check the data gathered in the questionnaire check list. The results of this study can facilitate the manner in which students taking up BSBA HRDM can assess their interest in the final analysis; such move would lead to first, second and third year students the enhancement of students to their career opportunities after graduation.


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Como Citar
Urquia, L. G. M., Gruyal, V. C., Miranda, V. L., & Cubio, A. H. (2019). Career opportunities preferences among BSBA HRDM students. Religación, 4(15), 266-273. Recuperado de