Issues of expanding the deposit base of commercial banks

  • Rakhimov Akmal Matyakubovich Tashkent Institute of Finance - Uzbekistan


The article examines the scientific views of strengthening the deposit base of commercial banks, analyzing the current state of the deposit base of commercial banks in our country and the influence of internal and external factors on the expansion of deposits, and also considers ways to strengthen and expand the resource base of banks. Deposit is the amount of money in national or foreign currency, upon request or with the payer, on the terms agreed upon by the payer or their legal representatives, with the payment of interest or without such payment. With the rapid development of science and technology, the attention to commercial banks’ deposit operations is rising. Deposit operations of commercial banks have been studied by many foreign and domestic economists. Savings deposits serve to accumulate savings of the population. Fund savings include deposits that are deposited with the purpose of accumulation or storage of funds. Their special feature is the encouragement of savings and a high level of profitability. Commercial banks are operations involving the transfer and saving the funds to the bank for certain purposes, based on the agreement between the bank and the client.


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Como Citar
Matyakubovich, R. A. (2019). Issues of expanding the deposit base of commercial banks. Religación, 4(15), 274-279. Recuperado de