Concept and theoretical aspects of international migration law

  • Ishankhodjaev Saidakhmad Akramovich World Economy and Diplomacy University - Uzbekistan


The article is dedicated to the history of the emergence and formation of international migration law.  Moreover, the author has systematically studied the interpretation of foreign scholars on the criteria for the isolation of branches of international law and the emergence of new industries in the system of international law. In the article, the author gives the concept of international migration law, and controversy enters into controversy by various foreign scientists about whether international migration law is an independent and formed branch of international law. The author substantiates his knowledge about the formation of a new chapter of international law as follows. Firstly, today in the world the cooperation of states in the field of migration has formed. Secondly, this branch of international law has the object and subject of legal relations; thirdly, these legal relations are regulated by separate international legal documents and mechanisms. Fourth, this branch of international law simultaneously uses the forces and capabilities of other branches of international law, while they also use it. As well as developing as an independent branch of international law, it simultaneously develops different areas of international law. Fifthly, the author divides the subjects of international migration law into categories as holders of special status.


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Como Citar
Akramovich, I. S. (2019). Concept and theoretical aspects of international migration law. Religación, 4(15), 285-289. Recuperado de