The experience of foreign countries in the implementation of digital systems in the economy

  • Turdiev Abdullo Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction - Uzbekistan
  • Mirdjalilova Dildora Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction - Uzbekistan
  • Yusupdjanova Nargiza Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction - Uzbekistan
  • Mukhibova Guli Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction - Uzbekistan
  • Ibragimov Salokhiddin Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction - Uzbekistan


In the world economy, the digital economic system is regularly supported by the country as an integral part of the economy. In Uzbekistan, the digital economy is an essential factor for increasing the share of innovation in the gross domestic product, producing competitively differentiated quality products and improving the quality of public services. It is given the trends in the digital economy of countries such as France, South Korea, and Japan, where digitalization is high in the world economy in this article. In the economy of Uzbekistan, the study of the implementation of digital systems of foreign countries, such as South Korea, Japan, and Russia is relevant in the branches and sectors of the economy.


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Como Citar
Abdullo, T., Dildora, M., Nargiza, Y., Guli , M., & Salokhiddin , I. (2019). The experience of foreign countries in the implementation of digital systems in the economy. Religación, 4(15), 298-305. Recuperado de