The effects of internal control implementation and organizational culture on financial reporting quality. Study on Local Government of Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Nurul Hidayah Mercu Buana University - INDONESIA


This study examines the influence of internal control implementation and organizational culture on financial reporting quality. The study is applied and descriptive research, using a questionnaire for data collection. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were estimated using AVE, with a Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.5 and 0.7, respectively. Data analysis was conducted using partial least square (PLS). The results showed that Internal control implementation influenced financial reporting quality while organizational culture had no effect on financial reporting quality.


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Como Citar
Hidayah, N. (2019). The effects of internal control implementation and organizational culture on financial reporting quality. Study on Local Government of Jakarta, Indonesia. Religación, 4(16), 236-244. Recuperado de