Impact of leadership styles on the price satisfaction of oil and gas companies in United Arab Emirates

  • Suhail Saeed Almuharrami Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - Malaysia
  • Md Nor Hayati Tahir Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - Malaysia


This paper aims to investigate three leadership styles impact on price satisfaction in the oil and gas industry. The transformational, transactional, and authentic leadership styles were tested toward improving the price satisfaction within the industry. This study adopted the cross-sectional methodology; the questionnaire instrument was used to collect the data from the targeted sample of the paper. Total of 152 participants from the industry were the sample of this paper.  The multiple linear regressions were used to examine the constructed hypotheses. This study has found that there is no relationship between transformational leadership style and price satisfaction of oil and gas companies, a positive and significant relationship between transactional leadership style and price satisfaction of oil and gas companies and there is a positive and significant relationship between Autocratic leadership style and price satisfaction of oil and gas companies in UAE.


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Como Citar
Almuharrami, S. S., & Hayati Tahir, M. N. (2019). Impact of leadership styles on the price satisfaction of oil and gas companies in United Arab Emirates. Religación, 4(16), 262-273. Recuperado de