Economic exploitation of housemaids: victims of intimate partner violence

  • Sajida Parveen Superior University, Lahore - Pakistan
  • Muhammd Ilyas Superior University, Lahore - Pakistan
  • Tahira Iram Superior University, Lahore - Pakistan
  • Umar Abid Superior University, Lahore - Pakistan


This study has two-fold purposes; first is to explore the partner violence on housemaids and second is their economic exploitation by their partner and at the workplace. Through analysis of interviews of the housemaid, it is explored that unemployment, drug addiction, ignorance of basic rights, poverty, illiteracy, financial crises are the main reasons of physical, psychological and sexual violence by the partner on housemaids. The economic exploitation of housemaids is due to the male-dominated society, gender discrimination and not predefined policy and rules about the wage rate in Pakistan. There is a need to per hour wage rate, proper reporting system against violence and empowerment of women in the society for the protection of their rights.


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Como Citar
Parveen, S., Ilyas, M., Iram, T., & Abid, U. (2019). Economic exploitation of housemaids: victims of intimate partner violence. Religación, 4(16), 289-299. Recuperado de