Study on the Relationship Between Personality and Knowledge Sharing Behavior Based on Moderating Knowledge Governance Situation

  • Wang Xiaoyan School of Economic & Management of Northwest University - China
  • An Liren School of Economic & Management of Northwest University - China
  • Nosheena Yasir School of Economic & Management of Northwest University - China


In an organization, people’s knowledge sharing behavior is not only related to their personality traits but also regulated by the knowledge governance situation of their organizations. This paper demonstrates the intrinsic relationship between the big five personalities, the knowledge sharing the behaviour of the organization and the situation of knowledge governance, establishes a construct model of the big five personalities as the independent variable, the knowledge sharing behavior as the dependent variable and the knowledge governance situation as the moderator variable. The questionnaire was used to collect the scale data and the HLM model was used to test the relevant hypotheses. The results show that different personality traits have different correlations with knowledge sharing behavior, and knowledge governance situation has a moderating effect on the relationship between personality traits and knowledge sharing behavior.


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Biografia do Autor

Nosheena Yasir, School of Economic & Management of Northwest University - China

Corresponding author. School of Economic & Management of Northwest University, Xi’an 710127 China


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Como Citar
Xiaoyan, W., Liren, A., & Yasir, N. (2019). Study on the Relationship Between Personality and Knowledge Sharing Behavior Based on Moderating Knowledge Governance Situation . Religación, 4(17), 19-30. Recuperado de
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