Main directions of deepening the BRICS country partnership: based on a comparative analysis of national development strategies

  • Victoria Vadimovna Perskaya Institute of International Economic Relations Research - Russia


The article presents the data of a comparative analysis of national development strategies developed in the BRICS countries, which are considered from the angle of three guidelines for deepening the partnership - political, economic and humanitarian; considered the main comparative characteristics of the development of the BRICS countries, identified the most pressing issues of national socio-economic development. Proposals have been made to ensure the synchronization of the vectors of development of national economies, to increase the effectiveness of the BRICS countries on the world stage on the basis of respect for international law and the leading role of the UN, to deepen the humanitarian component of the partnership.


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Biografia do Autor

Victoria Vadimovna Perskaya , Institute of International Economic Relations Research - Russia

Doctor of Economics Prof., Honored Economist of Russia, Director of the Institute of International Economic Relations Research, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (ORCID- 0000-0002-1988-4374)


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Como Citar
Perskaya , V. V. (2019). Main directions of deepening the BRICS country partnership: based on a comparative analysis of national development strategies. Religación, 4(17), 206-214. Recuperado de