From Text-based to AR-based: an investigation of students’ motivation in learning history topics for secondary school

  • Fariza Khalid Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia
  • Farhana Nor Shuhada Muhammad Pozi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - Malaysia


History is a subject to which students may be resistant due to the nature of the content and the length of the texts involved. Studies had also shown that for this subject, students find it difficult to memorize facts and events. However, technologies may help to improve students’ learning, if designed in a meaningful way. Augmented Reality (AR) has been widely used in many areas in enhancing students’ learning and understanding. Among the advantages of AR is that it offers a fun way of learning and also triggers learners’ motivation to learn abstract topics. This study aims to examine the challenges students face in learning history and their views on the use of AR-based learning materials in history. This single case study involved a group of form four students (16-year-old secondary school students) who scored less than 40 percent during their early year assessment. The data for this research was collected through one-to-one semi-structured interviews with all the respondents. The findings indicate factors the made learning History a challenge to the students. However, students showed positive feedbacks on the use of AR-based booklet. This paper further discusses the benefits of AR-based material to enhance students’ engagement as well as the limitations of AR-based integration in teaching and learning. The findings of this study also highlight the importance of learning activities designed by educators to ensure that the planned activities have a positive impact on students’ meaningful learning. 


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Como Citar
Khalid, F., & Muhammad Pozi, F. N. S. (2019). From Text-based to AR-based: an investigation of students’ motivation in learning history topics for secondary school. Religación, 4(17), 260-268. Recuperado de