Issues on increasing students’ motivation in teaching foreign languages

  • Shamansurov Shorasul Zhejiang University - China


The article deals with the issues related to analyzing the notion of motivation and the role of techniques in increasing students’ motivation for learning a foreign language. Of course, the very fact of using a variety of techniques and tasks does not mean anything. A mechanical increase in quantity does not mean good quality. However, if the teacher does not know and does not use anything in the lesson, except for question-answer exercises, reading aloud, translation and mechanical retelling of the read, it is unlikely that in such a style he/she will enhance the motivation for learning and the actual formation of communicative competence. Motivation is the main thing for achieving success. Choosing and using the forms of work in the classroom teacher decides him/herself. The most important thing is to remember that learning a language should be a pleasure and interesting.


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Como Citar
Shorasul, S. (2019). Issues on increasing students’ motivation in teaching foreign languages. Religación, 4(18), 16-19. Recuperado de
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