The study of grammatical meaning in Uzbek linguistics

  • Sayfullaeva Rano Raufovna National University of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan
  • Ernazarova Manzura Saparboevna Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan


Today, studying the grammatical meaning in all linguistic and pragmatic factors is one of the important factors in providing the development of modern fields of rapidly developing linguistics, such as pragmatic linguistics, linguistic culture, ethnolinguistics and Psycholinguistics This study seeks to explore the grammatical meaning in Uzbek linguistics from the independence of the Republic.


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Biografia do Autor

Sayfullaeva Rano Raufovna, National University of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. Doctor of Philological sciences, professor at  National University of Uzbekistan. Academic of the European Academy of Natural Sciences Uzbekistan

Ernazarova Manzura Saparboevna, Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan

Doctor of Philological sciences, associate professor at Navoiy State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan


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Como Citar
Raufovna, S. R., & Saparboevna, E. M. (2019). The study of grammatical meaning in Uzbek linguistics. Religación, 4(18), 41-46. Recuperado de
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