Using modern multimedia technologies in foreign language lessons

  • Abdullaeva Rozanna Mirzatullaevna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Esanov Uktam Jabbarovich Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Mirrahimova Gulbahor Shuhratovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Nurmatova Fayiza Erikovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Primova Munisa Majlimovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan


In modern century, when the role of languages ​​in international communication increases significantly, interest in the English language as one of the important languages ​​of communication is becoming a necessary link in terms of cognition and perception of the world. Fluency in the English language is becoming an objective necessity and a need for modern youth. Deepening the knowledge of young people, improving their theoretical literacy today, is impossible without the activation of the educational process of learning. This article contains types of work using new technologies that contribute to the development of automated speech skills that increase the effectiveness of the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as provide an opportunity to deepen basic knowledge, skills and abilities, provide the necessary knowledge.


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Biografia do Autor

Abdullaeva Rozanna Mirzatullaevna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. Candidate of philological sciences, Associate professor at Department of Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy

Esanov Uktam Jabbarovich, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Associate professor at the Department of Languages candidate of Philological Sciences Tashkent Medical Academy

Mirrahimova Gulbahor Shuhratovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Senior teacher at  Department of Languages Tashkent Medical Academy

Nurmatova Fayiza Erikovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Senior teacher at  Department of Languages Tashkent Medical Academy

Primova Munisa Majlimovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Teacher at Department of Languages Tashkent Medical Academy


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Como Citar
Mirzatullaevna, A. R., Jabbarovich, E. U., Shuhratovna, M. G., Erikovna, N. F., & Majlimovna, P. M. (2019). Using modern multimedia technologies in foreign language lessons. Religación, 4(18), 80-84. Recuperado de
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