Analysis of the results of cadastral valuation of buildings, premises, construction in progress and parking spaces for 2018 in the Krasnodar territory

  • A. V. Osennyaya Kuban State Technological University - Russia
  • B. A. Hahuk Kuban State Technological University - Russia
  • D. A. Gura Kuban State Agrarian University - Russia
  • N. I. Khusht Kuban State Technological University - Russia
  • E. Ch. Kuadze Kuban State Technological University - Russia
  • A. A. Kushu Kuban State Technological University - Russia


This article is devoted to the study of the results of the cadastral valuation of buildings, premises, construction in progress and parking lots, which was carried out in 2018 in the Krasnodar Territory (Osennyaya et al, 2017).  The shortcomings of the structure of the presentation of the approved results of the cadastral assessment were identified and analyzed, a new form of entering and sorting data was proposed to simplify the work with them. 


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Como Citar
Osennyaya, A. V., Hahuk, B. A., Gura, D. A., Khusht, N. I., Kuadze, E. C., & Kushu, A. A. (2019). Analysis of the results of cadastral valuation of buildings, premises, construction in progress and parking spaces for 2018 in the Krasnodar territory. Religación, 4(18), 116-120. Recuperado de
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