The Evolution and Intersection of Academic and Popular Islamic Feminism in Turkey

  • Didem Aydindag University of Kyrenia - Cyprus


Islamic feminism in Turkey is neither monolithic nor static. The article argued that from the 1980s onward there are three phases of Islamic feminism in which Islamic feminism evolved and changed in its discourse, methods, and concerns. The first phase is the late 1980s and 1990s where pious women integrated into the political system. This first phase can be considered as the emergence of Islam (ist) feminists. The second phase, starting from the Justice and Development Party - AKP rule, 2002 to 2013, shows the transformation from Islam (ist) feminism to Islam(ic) feminism. In that respect, Islamist feminism refers to pious women, who take an active role in participating in the social and political arena for the success of the Islamic cause. To put it in other words, they question the secular state structure and try to open a space for Islam in the government. The third phase is currently in the formation stage in the post-2013 Gezi Park protests. This era is the emergence of true Islamic feminists, which is marked by the extensive use of social media and the process and challenges become more secular.



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Como Citar
Aydindag, D. (2019). The Evolution and Intersection of Academic and Popular Islamic Feminism in Turkey. Religación, 4(18), 140-148. Recuperado de