Key success factors of high-tech enterprises in innovative activity

  • Lidia Sergeevna Budovich Russia Technological University - Russia


The task of development of the Russian industry is not only to ensure the transition of the economy to the trajectory of sustainable development, but also to change the quality of economic growth. Here, an important role belongs to the state scientific and industrial policy which determines the overall economic strategy and the most promising basis for development. Experience shows that the priority development of the resource-based industries that have become the leading sectors of the Russian economy to date is unable to solve the problem of economic upsurge fundamentally and for the long haul.


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Biografia do Autor

Lidia Sergeevna Budovich, Russia Technological University - Russia

orresponding author.  Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Innovative Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Law, MIREA – Russia Technological University (RTU MIREA), Moscow, Russian


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Como Citar
Budovich, L. S. (2019). Key success factors of high-tech enterprises in innovative activity. Religación, 4(18), 216-220. Recuperado de