Integrating internal and external marketing function for a services management marketing model in Iran

  • Sanaz Nafisa Higher Education Institute of Rabe-Rashid - Iran
  • Ramezanali Shayanrad European Regional Academy - Armenia
  • Mohammad Hosseinifard Furtwangen University - Germany
  • Homa Molavi Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - Iran
  • Mohammad Rezaie Narimisa Ministry of Petroleum - Iran


The present study seeks to investigate the effect of internal and external market orientation on financial and nonfinancial performance. It is applicable from objective aspect and descriptive-field from methodological aspect. The data was collected through documentary study and field study including questionnaire. All managers, deputies and experts of firms related to Mashhad Province equal to 2505 were the statistical population of the study during the time period 2018. The sample size was estimated equal to 135 by means of random sampling method. Results of regression test indicated the positive effect of internal and external market orientation on financial and non-financial performance of firms related to Mashhad Province. According to the results, information production, information dissemination and how to respond to internal information have a positive and significant effect on financial and non-financial performance. Similarly, information production, information dissemination and how to respond to external information have a positive and significant effect on financial and non-financial performance.


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Biografia do Autor

Sanaz Nafisa, Higher Education Institute of Rabe-Rashid - Iran

M.Acc, Faculty of Accounting and Management department, Higher Education Institute of Rabe-Rashid, Tabriz, Iran

Ramezanali Shayanrad, European Regional Academy - Armenia

Ph.D. Student of Management, International Marking, Faculty of Management and Economics, European Regional Academy, Yerevan, Armenia

Mohammad Hosseinifard, Furtwangen University - Germany

Corresponding author. M.S. International Business Management (Full-time MBA), MBA department, Furtwangen University, Germany

Homa Molavi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - Iran

Faculty of Economics and Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


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Como Citar
Nafisa, S., Shayanrad, R., Hosseinifard, M., Molavi, H., & Rezaie Narimisa, M. (2019). Integrating internal and external marketing function for a services management marketing model in Iran. Religación, 4(18), 233-237. Recuperado de