Influence of the environment on the language picture of the world

  • Akbarova Zukhro Fergana State University - Uzbekistan


In recent years, there has been a growing scientific interest in revealing the peculiarities of interaction between individuals and the socio-cultural environment, but to this day, many aspects of the influence of the environment on the formation of the national language picture of the world remain poorly understood. The aim of the study was to study the influence of the environment on the formation of the national language picture of the world. An associative experiment was used as a method of analysis. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that the modern understanding of the environment in the minds of representatives of the Russian-speaking linguistic culture is mainly due to the existing features of life in society.


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Biografia do Autor

Akbarova Zukhro, Fergana State University - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. PhD, associate professor, Dean at Fergana State University, Republic of Uzbekistan


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Como Citar
Zukhro, A. (2019). Influence of the environment on the language picture of the world. Religación, 4(20), 24-29. Recuperado de