Happiness and Globalization: A Study in Global Perspective about Entrepreneurship

  • Muhammad Sajjad COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Muhammad Irfan COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • M. Orangzab COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Asad Afzal Humayon COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Rao Aamir Khan COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan


The study is based on the conjecture that augmented happiness enhances the growth of entrepreneurship and happy nations have tendency to produce greater number of entrepreneurs. Apart from Happiness, this study also measures the effect of globalization on entrepreneurship. For this very purpose, happiness and globalization has been regressed with entrepreneurship. Desire Satisfaction theory has been used to explain the relationship of happiness, globalization and entrepreneurship. To verify stated assumptions, data from 125 countries from the world were tested. Data of Globalization Index (GI), Happiness Index (HI) and Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) were extracted from KOF Globalization Index 2017, World Happiness Report 2017 and Global Entrepreneurship index 2017 respectively. It was observed that countries with higher score in happiness and globalization also had higher score in GEI. The relationship is found to be highly significant and positive. It is suggested that countries who wish to promote entrepreneurial ventures should not focus only on conventional measures of growth like GDP but also focus for expansion through globalization and invest for the satisfaction and happiness of its people.


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Biografia do Autor

Muhammad Sajjad, COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan

Corresponding author.  Assistant Professor COMSATS University Islamabad

Muhammad Irfan, COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan

Assistant Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad


M. Orangzab, COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan

Assistant Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad


Asad Afzal Humayon, COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan

Assistant Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad

Rao Aamir Khan, COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan

Assistant Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad


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Como Citar
Sajjad, M., Irfan, M., Orangzab, M., Humayon, A. A., & Khan, R. A. (2019). Happiness and Globalization: A Study in Global Perspective about Entrepreneurship. Religación, 4(20), 36-42. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/468