¿Can Rule of law be an efficient policy-planning tool for Sustainable Development in Asia?

  • Muhammad Azam University of Lahore, Sargodha - Pakistan
  • Muhammad Irfan COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Muhammad Sajjad COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Asad Afzal Humayon COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan
  • Rao Aamir Khan COMSATS University Islamabad - Pakistan


Sustainable Development is currently overriding problem in UN Millennium agenda of 21st century. Recently, is considered purely a matter of rule of law. Rule of law are now considered as bedrock for Sustainable Development in Asia. Keeping in view, this study evaluates the importance of Rule of law for Sustainable Development policy planning in after taking into consideration of 12 Asian countries over the period of 1984 up to 2012. The analysis depicts that rule of law is primarily important for Sustainable Development policy planning in Asia. For empirical analysis, we estimated the results through dynamic panel data model approach.


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Como Citar
Azam, M., Irfan, M., Sajjad, M., Humayon, A. A., & Khan, R. A. (2019). ¿Can Rule of law be an efficient policy-planning tool for Sustainable Development in Asia?. Religación, 4(20), 87-95. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/477