The main peculiarities of forestry terms: its significance in linguistics

  • Tilovova Gavkhar Abdakhatovna Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute - Uzbekistan
  • Otamurodova Salomat Akhmedovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Alimova Kamola Khujageldiyevna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan
  • Suyarova Shaxnoza Toyloqovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan
  • Karimova Mohira Jumaqulovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan


This article outlines the place of forestry terms in linguistics, its importance and features in speech and language. Comprehension of the terms and the ideas on the differences between the terms and simple words are discussed hereby too. Due to less study of forestry terms in Uzbek linguistics, the aim of the article is directed to compile forestry terms, to get them in one order, to study the names of the trees that make the forests, landscape, feed, and raw materials. During the years of independence, many changes have undergone in science. Radical changes in social life have caused the introduction and implementation of new terms.


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Como Citar
Abdakhatovna, T. G., Akhmedovna , O. S., Khujageldiyevna, A. K., Toyloqovna, S. S., & Jumaqulovna , K. M. (2019). The main peculiarities of forestry terms: its significance in linguistics. Religación, 4(20), 110-113. Recuperado de