Political Institute of the State in the context of the historical and typological analysis

  • Valentin Ya. Lyubashits Southern Federal University - Russia
  • Nikolay V. Razuvaev Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service - Russia
  • Irina E. Abramova Rostov State Medical University - Russia
  • Natalya V. Fedorova Don State Technical University - Russia
  • Y. S. Benedyk Yaroslav Mudry National Law University - Ukraine


The article is devoted to problems of structuring state created history taking into account a variety of social, political, forms, various speeds of political genesis. Problems of allocation of development stages of the political organizations (statehood) taking into account uncertainty of the general units of the analysis, terms, and concepts of rather various paradigms of structuring and periodization of history are considered. It is shown that the decisive force causing the transformation of all other public sectors is growth, distribution, and deduction of a dominant position of the most effective in the conditions of this period of a political regime.


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Biografia do Autor

Valentin Ya. Lyubashits, Southern Federal University - Russia

Corresponding author.  Doctor of jurisprudence, professor, Head of the department of the theory and history of state and law, Southern Federal University

Nikolay V. Razuvaev, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service - Russia

Doctor of jurisprudence, associate professor, head of the department of the civil and labor law, Northwest institute of management of the Russian academy of national economy and public service

Irina E. Abramova, Rostov State Medical University - Russia

Doctor of political sciences, professor, Manager of department of History Rostov state medical university

Natalya V. Fedorova, Don State Technical University - Russia

Сandidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Don State Technical University

Y. S. Benedyk, Yaroslav Mudry National Law University - Ukraine

PhD, Assistant of the Department of International Law, Yaroslav Mudry National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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Como Citar
Lyubashits, V. Y., Razuvaev, N. V., Abramova, I. E., Fedorova, N. V., & Benedyk, Y. S. (2019). Political Institute of the State in the context of the historical and typological analysis. Religación, 4(20), 114-120. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/482