Ensuring sustainable development of the industrial enterprise by increasing its innovative potential

  • Abdullaeva Matluba Nematovna Tashkent Railway Engineering Institute - Uzbekistan


The article considers the factors determining the strategic efficiency of industrial enterprises, criteria and ways of investment support of their sustainable development. It is also proved that at the intensive transformation of innovative activity into a determining factor of sustainable development the use of innovative potential is an effective means of increasing competitiveness of industrial enterprise. The author asserts that the sustainable development of the enterprise is provided with opportunities to accumulate resources in the innovation sphere, their rational use within the framework of the chosen priorities, that is, the increase of innovation potential. The modern model of sustainable development of the enterprises assumes system integration of scientific and technical sphere in processes of economic and social development. The main factor in the global economic dynamics of recent decades is the widespread use of innovation. Orientation on intellectual, instead of raw materials resources allows to provide high rates of economic growth, to keep natural ecosystem, to reduce number of harmful and dangerous manufactures, to reach the consistent economic, ecological and social purposes guaranteeing the self-sustaining, balanced development. For today it is generally recognized at the state level that the increase of competitiveness of national economy of Uzbekistan in the world market is impossible without activation of innovative processes.


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Biografia do Autor

Abdullaeva Matluba Nematovna, Tashkent Railway Engineering Institute - Uzbekistan

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Tashkent Railway Engineering Institute


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Como Citar
Matluba Nematovna, A. (2019). Ensuring sustainable development of the industrial enterprise by increasing its innovative potential. Religación, 4(20), 150-153. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/488