Forecasting of indicators of inclusive growth from agriculture in Uzbekistan

  • Shakhlo Turgunovna Ergasheva Tashkent State University of Economics - Uzbekistan
  • Rustam Husanovich Tashmatov Tashkent State University - Uzbekistan
  • Mannapova Rano Abrorovna Tashkent Financial Institute - Uzbekistan


This article examines the scientific, methodological and practical issues of inclusive growth of agriculture. In particular, various methodological approaches to the definition of inclusive growth are given, as a result of the analysis of these approaches, it is concluded that inclusive growth implies not so much economic as social growth, i.e. it implies reducing the difference between the richest and the poorest population. On this basis, the necessity of taking it into account in the development and forecasting of agriculture as the basic branch of the economy of Uzbekistan is justified. In addition, the problems that Uzbekistan may face in the future are being investigated. These problems can be attributed to the rapid growth of the population in agriculture, which in the context of limited land resources will lead to a decrease in agricultural land per inhabitant, which can lead to an aggravation of the food issue and employment in the country.


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Biografia do Autor

Shakhlo Turgunovna Ergasheva, Tashkent State University of Economics - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. Professor at Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan 

Rustam Husanovich Tashmatov, Tashkent State University - Uzbekistan

Doctoral student (DcS), Research center at the Tashkent state University “Scientific bases and problems of development of economy of Uzbekistan”,

Mannapova Rano Abrorovna, Tashkent Financial Institute - Uzbekistan

Assistant, Department of Budget Accounting, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan.


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Como Citar
Ergasheva, S. T., Tashmatov, R. H., & Abrorovna, M. R. (2019). Forecasting of indicators of inclusive growth from agriculture in Uzbekistan. Religación, 4(20), 173-178. Recuperado de