Current issues on fine arts education: continuity and prospects for development

  • Nodirbek Sayfullaev National Institute of Art and Design - Uzbekistan


The article analyses contemporary issues and the prospective development of fine art education. As we know, Education at all times exists in close connection with the social, economic and cultural component of society. Modern culture, characterized by constant acceleration, expansion and updating of the information space, forms a new person who differs psychologically, socially, culturally, professionally from previous generations. The author examines in detail the issues of the methodology of art education in the disciplines of art, draws attention to pre-vocational programs in the field of art and general artistic development programs, emphasizes the importance of art education, deals with the history of developing art education in Uzbekistan and shows the need to promote scientific knowledge about the positive the impact of art and its intellectual resources.


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Biografia do Autor

Nodirbek Sayfullaev, National Institute of Art and Design - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. The Rector of the National Institute of  Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod


Como Citar
Sayfullaev, N. (2019). Current issues on fine arts education: continuity and prospects for development. Religación, 4(20), 192-194. Recuperado de