Artificial intelligence impact on the legal sphere

  • Anton Vasiliev Altai State University - Russia
  • Pechatnova Yylia Altai State University - Russia


The research is devoted to the analysis of the opportunities and prospects for the implementation of artificial intelligence in the legal system. The purpose of the study is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and limits of introducing digital technologies into the legal environment. The study analyzed the points of view about the theme of research among the national and foreign scientists, assessed the influence of the artificial intelligence influence on the legal sphere. We also studied the opportunities for regulation connected with digital technologies in current Russian legislation, the advantages, and disadvantages of new categories in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. We presented examples of the negative impact of legal vacuum on the law enforcement practice and suggested the ways for its overcoming. The current trends in the incorporation of digital technologies into the legal sphere of the Russian Federation and other countries were also studied.


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Biografia do Autor

Anton Vasiliev, Altai State University - Russia

Director Law Institute of Altai State University, Russia. Professor, Doctor of Legal Science.

Pechatnova Yylia, Altai State University - Russia

Master of Legal Studies, Altai State Unvietsity, Russia.


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Como Citar
Vasiliev, A., & Yylia, P. (2019). Artificial intelligence impact on the legal sphere. Religación, 4(20), 203-209. Recuperado de