Effective teaching methods in teaching English

  • Adilova Shakhnoza Rakhimovna Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute - Uzbekistan
  • Tukhtakhodjaeva Nargiza Akmalovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Aripova Kamola Yusupovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan
  • Djumanova Nargiz Irkinovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan
  • Djalalova Sayyora Mirhaydarovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the issues related to effective teaching methods in teaching English. The changing realities of the modern world require the same changes in educational systems. Therefore, the topic of innovation is becoming important for the entire system of education and teaching a foreign language, in particular. In the conditions of the rapidly accelerating pace of changes in society, one of the urgent problems facing the scientific community, the pedagogical community, is the conceptual need for the formation of a new generation of specialists. In this regard, a mobile, dynamic and accurate reorientation of the normative-parametric establishment of a specialist, both the technical industry and the humanitarian profile, is required. In the logic of the study of this problem, the question rightly arises: how to determine a well-trained specialist who meets the needs of modern society. Indeed, the intellectual, spiritual and cultural condition of society depends on the quality of education. The author analyzed the research and commentary of researchers on the issue of choosing appropriate teaching methods and presented them in this article.


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Biografia do Autor

Adilova Shakhnoza Rakhimovna, Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute - Uzbekistan

Corresponding author. PhD, head of “Foreign languages” department, Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute Republic of Uzbekistan


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Como Citar
Rakhimovna, A. S., Nargiza Akmalovna , T., Yusupovna, A. K., Irkinovna, D. N., & Mirhaydarovna , D. S. (2019). Effective teaching methods in teaching English . Religación, 4(20), 230-232. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/503