Constitutional and legal expression of the principle of ideological diversity in legislation related to public associations and political parties

  • Alexander Golovinov Altai State University - Russia
  • Olesya Kazantseva Altai State University - Russia


The aim of this study is to carry out a comprehensive study of theoretical research and the practice of implementing the constitutional and legal principle of ideological diversity in the activities of public associations and political parties, and to develop recommendations and proposals for improving legal regulation in this area. According to the results of the research, the conclusions were made that the implementation of the constitutional principle of ideological diversity is one of the conditions for the development of any democratic state based on the rule of law. In the Russian Federation, conditions have been created at the legislative level for the development of the constitutional principle of ideological diversity. The legislation related to the public associations and political parties plays an important role in the implementation of this constitutional principle, but the mechanisms for its implementation still need to be improved.


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Biografia do Autor

Alexander Golovinov, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University, Russian Federation.

Olesya Kazantseva, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and International Law, Altai State University, Russian Federation.


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Como Citar
Golovinov, A., & Kazantseva, O. (2019). Constitutional and legal expression of the principle of ideological diversity in legislation related to public associations and political parties. Religación, 4(21), 75-81. Recuperado de