Substantiation of economic effectiveness of investment projects

  • Khlynin Edward Valentinovich Tula State University - RUSSIA
  • N. I Korovkina Tula State University - RUSSIA
  • A. A Zolkina Tula State University - RUSSIA


In this article results of scientific research of a complex estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects are submitted. The basic theoretical positions and methodological principles which realization allows to generate a structural control system of investment process at the enterprise are established and to construct economic-mathematical model of his realization. Development of theoretical-methodological base of realization of a complex estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects is reached on the basis of realization of the put forward hypothesis about dependence of the investment decision not only on economic efficiency of investments, but also on an economic condition of the managing subject. In research substantive provisions of the theory of systems and also general scientific methods of the analysis and synthesis for the qualitative and quantitative description of a complex estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects are used. For realization of a complex estimation of economic efficiency of investment projects, it is offered to establish a dependence between economic efficiency of investments and the economic condition of the managing subject.


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Biografia do Autor

Khlynin Edward Valentinovich, Tula State University - RUSSIA

Corresponding author. doctor of economics, professor of chair, Tula State University

N. I Korovkina, Tula State University - RUSSIA

Candidate of technical, associate professor of chair, Tula State University

A. A Zolkina, Tula State University - RUSSIA

Master degree student of chair, Tula State University


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Como Citar
Valentinovich, K. E., Korovkina, N. I., & Zolkina, A. A. (2019). Substantiation of economic effectiveness of investment projects. Religación, 4(21), 145-151. Recuperado de