The Role of painting in prevention of crime

  • Mitra Dahesh Islamic Azad University – Iran


Art has recently been considered as one of the therapeutic methods in medical science. Since one of the most important measures in dealing with criminals is therapeutic and habilitation measures, taking into account my personal interests in art particularly paintings and regarding the effect of artwork creation on human personality. A criminal by creating a work of art, in another word by releasing his personality can retell all hidden secrets or evacuate his inner emotions. Art has the effect of spiritual freshening, ethic and skill education, spare time making for criminals. Therefore, the subject of painting’s role in the prevention of crimes is considered to be of high importance which should be examined separately in order to highlight the importance of art and particularly paintings.


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Biografia do Autor

Mitra Dahesh, Islamic Azad University – Iran

Master  degree in Criminal low and Criminology, Islamic Azad University (North Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran


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Como Citar
Dahesh, M. (2019). The Role of painting in prevention of crime . Religación, 4(22), 222-225. Recuperado de