Sociological Study of Identity Instability in Children of Parents with Drug Addiction

  • Zohreh Najafi Asl University of Tehran - Iran
  • Somayeh Haghi University of Tehran - Iran


Addiction usually finds its way into the family by the father or husband and is consolidated in the family when other members, the mother and the children, become addicted as well. In this situation, children’s vulnerability imposes unrecoverable consequences on the family. One of these undesirable impacts is the children’s identity instability. The present research has conducted a sociological study of identity instability in children of parents with drug addiction.


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Como Citar
Najafi Asl, Z., & Haghi, S. (2020). Sociological Study of Identity Instability in Children of Parents with Drug Addiction. Religación, 5(23), 111-117. Recuperado de