Religious trends before the impact of globalization and Vietnam's religious policy


The study of the impact of globalization on religion and the changes in Vietnam's policies in recent years is a difficult and difficult task to determine accurately. However, the results that this article brings will partly shed light on the religious trends in Vietnam before the impact of globalization and the changes in religious policy of the Vietnamese state today. This study focuses on clarifying religious life in Vietnam; the impact of globalization on religious life in its people; it highlights common trends in religious life, as well as secularization, modernization of religion, diversification of religious activities, new forms of religion, and the characteristics of new religious phenomena. The study also focused on analyzing Vietnam's religious policies; the advantages and limitations of these policies. It can be seen that the change of religious life in Vietnam in the period of renewal is mainly due to the impact of change in the economic, cultural and social life of the renewal of economic development, in the context of globalization, market expansion, and the international integration of Vietnam. Furthermore, it is a consequence of the restoration and increasing need for religious-spiritual life after years of repression by war. Hence, the need for theoretical and practical research on religious trends and policies, to help improve the policies of the Communist Party and the State on religion, guaranteeing democracy and equality in religious activities in Vietnam.


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Biografia do Autor

Hong Van Vu, University of Transport and Communications - Vietnam

Faculty of Basic Science, Dean of Faculty of Basic Science. University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam


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Como Citar
Vu, H. V. (2020). Religious trends before the impact of globalization and Vietnam’s religious policy. Religación, 5(24), 131-141.